Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

i have to say, this is looking like the most powerful set that's seen print in a while

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Yep, it seems to be packed full of answers, and also new ridiculous threats. Liking what they've done with Phyrexian mana, they could have pushed it further and broken everything. Looking forward to the pre-release!
Are these spoilers to good to be true?
Where has it been spoiled?
found it!

I can't see the last 15 or so artifacts... anyone else have this problem?


where, it's not up on salvation yet

There's a pdf floating around, check the forums for text spoilers as well. They're pulling down links to the pdf to avoid getting sued again.

Wow, MBC is redonk. Despise + Surgical Extraction = Turn 1 no more Jaces/Titan/Hawk/Mystic in your deck...

Best place to view it is on GatheringMagic, they have a searchable spoiler:

Paul Hodgson said:

There's a pdf floating around, check the forums for text spoilers as well. They're pulling down links to the pdf to avoid getting sued again.

Torpor Orb is pretty exciting:


Artifact - 2

Creatures Entering the battlefield don't cause abilites to trigger


Pretty solid answer to Titans, Mystic, Avenger of Zendikar etc etc...

Oh god that dragon is kinda busted and I dont think anyone is going to notice it... it has like half a hatred attatched to it which is pretty good for any aggro deck..
Flicking through the pdf on my ipad is pretty sweet, shame I can't drag and drop cards into my deckbuilder app though ;)

Ben Titmarsh said:

Best place to view it is on GatheringMagic, they have a searchable spoiler:

Paul Hodgson said:

There's a pdf floating around, check the forums for text spoilers as well. They're pulling down links to the pdf to avoid getting sued again.

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