Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

First up - Jason will be having a pre-release again this time, so please do come and support it, it's probably advisable to book in advance and reserve a slot in case it's really busy - do so here:







Secondly, spoilers are starting, and this set looks pretty sweet theme-wise.

Nothing official yet (expect to see some early tomorrow morning after the Innistrad party at PAX, and spoiler articles start on dailymtg Monday), but there is this blurry Russian video that confirms flashback is returning, and there are some gold cards in the set. It would be an obvious Salvation fake, but the book the cards are on has the same symbol as one of the houses in that theme article, so...



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i unironically think that Army of the Damned is a sick card
I unironically agree with you

I honestly think too that liliana will singlehandedly make modern a more interesting format


can you imagine playing a swath deck vs an active liliana... it just doesn't end well, especially if they have a seize or duress

I hope the first time I play with Balefire Dragon in limited its on my side of the table. 

A 6/6 flyer that basically plague winds every time it hits is just dumb.

Thom Richardson said:

I hope the first time I play with Balefire Dragon in limited its on my side of the table. 

A 6/6 flyer that basically plague winds every time it hits is just dumb.


Gotta love Mythic McWrath (in this case it's Wrathells McDragon)

Well it's probably time for me to make a post listing some convoluted combo I've come up with after seeing the new cards. I notice that with today's new card Defender of the Parish plus three Fiend Hunters you can make an infinitely huge guy. Add Suture Priest and you can have infinite life as well. Phyrexian Metamorph can copy Fiend Hunter, and so you might as well put in the Leonin Relic Wardens too. Add in some birthing pods to guarantee the right cards, and you too can go 0-3 drop in constructed events!
Laboratory Maniac seems like an amazing way to win games. I'll be picking up a playset for game day, you can guarantee it.
Maniac + Leveller, 2 card combo in modern :P

Paul Hodgson said:
Maniac + Leveller, 2 card combo in modern :P
Bad set is badddd. And I normally like new sets :(
As always I hate tribal, I feel like it makes limited awful and very, ummm, limited...

The flavour and artwork are great etc etc 

They say you can not draft tribal but frankly if you're not drafting human or zombie or werewolf you're probably not winning. 

Charlie Grover said:
Bad set is badddd. And I normally like new sets :(

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