Congratulations you just won the thread. :D
Also Royde - I imagine some creative license may have been used to make for a better story, or maybe they just didn't know?
Charlie Grover said:
This thread is actually more funny if you apply the whole deserving/skill/winning thing to GP london ;)
Lol stalker
And now she writes for Channel Fireball... possibly the best team in the world?
Charlie Grover said:
Chifley got lucked out by some crap girl playing affinity in the first round of top 8 while getting some bad draws. Dan G got beaten by James allingham, left before top 4 but some randomer won it, james allinghim or Ioannis (no idea how to spell his silly name) being the only vaguely good ones..
it's like she is just laughing at YOU grover
Face face = charlie.getFace();
dude you should totally make egg-adding a static method of class Egg. then you can totally just call
unfortunately (thisPost instanceof Funny) evaluated to false, so i'ma go ahead and System.exit(1)
Dude StaticInvocation.equals(SwearWords.BULLSHIT). That shit is object-oriented for a reason!
I think I would actually make Egg implement Facial so that we could apply different substances to charlies face via polymorphism:
face.addFacial(Facial facial);
But we're probably just overengineering things now.
I met Carrie at GP San Diego when hanging out with Dan, Richard Bland and PV. She's very nice.
Tom your lack of coding-based jokes disappoints me.
i miss java. java is fun and forgiving. get me a part-time job in java plz.
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