Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

it seems that people have missed this but this saturday, the 3rd, the games club are running their monthly constructed events (the events people bitch about because of small turn out and rewards). this months one is standard and offers the winner a playset of snapcaster mage.

check out the site for details.
im pleased their doing something like this, whether its a direct response from the darksphere events of last month i dont no but it cant be a bad thing for the london player base!

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So what happened with this then?

I split the finals of a wicked fun but badly attended six man round robin tournament with a nice guy called Bart. We got 2 Snapcasters each and a few boosters. :)

The prize was not lowered despite poor attendance. There was also a limited win a box thing with 14 players and I believe I'm right in saying someone walked off with a box of product in that one.

It was a good night. I had a brilliant draft game against Ray and some cool EDH games including one where Sen Triplets allowed me to play for all three players... Umm, I won that one! :) 

Fair play to Jason and Mike for keeping the prize level the same despite number of players - give us some more notice and I'll do my best to be at the next one!

I split the box with Marek in the finas of the limited one... was a good event! 

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