Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

We got off to a bit of a rocky start, with Tim being ambushed by his boss as he popped in on Saturday monring to print his cards. So Kieran, Glenn and I went ahead and cut and sleeved all our cards, and played a handful of 3 player drafts and multiplayer games. Highlight was Kieran having his library removed from the game as he had just finished setting up a pretty impenatrable defense.


Tim turned up later, sans cards, but we had enough spare to play some 4 player drafts which were great fun.

Major themes were Supernatural, Wizards, Frogs, and Bears.

MSE file is here:



Some standout/memorable cards:

How does it work?

Nobody knows!


And of course the deadly combo of:

And who could forget Kieran's love for:

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Tom can you upload a visual spoiler to DT from the MSE file?

That would be a cool way for people to look at all the cards.

I think there is plenty of interest to do this again. Many onlookers professed a desire to make their own cards. Hopefully there won't be a GPT where people were grinding those PWP's on the same day :-)

So things we learnt this time:

  • We were much more restrained in creating mythic level uber-bomb cards, in fact we only had to issue errata to maybe 4/5 cards on the day, and most of those were rules issues rather than power level.
  • Tribal cards are pretty cool, but actually hard to draft in a cube style format where there is only ever one of each card. Kieran managed a pretty good wizard deck in the first game, but Bear or Frog tribal decks never really fully materialised. These might work if we turn it into a set with multiples of the commons.
  • We had a real scarcity of flyers in the format, such that a 7 mana 3/7 flyer was pretty darn good
  • The more text there is on a card the less likely it is to be picked. I had a couple of enchantments that were pretty wordy due to counters and such. I don't think any of them were ever played.
  • People also don't like randomness. I had a couple of cards that had some random elements, again I don't think any of them were ever played.
  • Consdidering there was no group design, there was some pretty good emergent synergy between our cards
  • All the cards having art was awesome, the set looked really good, and if you spent ages trimming all the white corners I doubt anyone would even know you were playing with proxies until they got up close.
  • it is really, really hard to find good frog pictures to use for cards!
  • And most importantly I'm an idiot for repeatedly spelling Kieran's name wrong

Awesome.  Curse of a Thousand Deaths on a Mulldrifter.  Oh baby.

Did you tell the interested people to come to DT?  I have "moo cards" to give out to people.  They are usually nonplussed but sometimes the visit anyway.

Seems like we want an online meeting place for these activities to increase both creators and players.


Cool stuff.  Good work on the Kieran errata.

As expected, this was great. Megaturtle was the obvious standout, other awesome things being the "Vanilla" creatures, transforming Bears, attacking in other people's turns, lasering people's faces off, making sure to hate-draft Winchesters to avoid the combo-kill, the list goes on...

I must say I had a lot of fun, I am happy to meet up in a few weeks for another run maybe with a few extra guys involved to fill it out a bit.

this looks pretty hilarious - i'd definitely be game for a re-run in the future. would be cool to get 8 people together each bringing X cards/sleeves/lands

Im back next week and am infinitely up for this

Also, can someone email me the MSE installation files to download? I cant get them from the site on my college network but can DL them from an email. and for some reason i uninstalled them on this laptop. And I want to make cards.

I tried sending you the file, but it exceeds the limit of gmail!

It is a 32 MB file so you might have to get someone else to help you get hold of it. You can always just write down cards in notepad, although using MSE is much easier.

Charlie Grover said:

Also, can someone email me the MSE installation files to download? I cant get them from the site on my college network but can DL them from an email. and for some reason i uninstalled them on this laptop. And I want to make cards.

In for future one of these!

Okay so let's kick some dates about for the next one. If people are willing to do it mid week then there is probably many dates, if it is a Saturday then it's looking like the 31st is the best bet:

10th - Cambridge PTQ

17th - St Patricks Day / 6 Nations last games

24th - London PTQ

31st - Free

A month should be more than enough time to allow people to make cards and drum up some more interest. If people are willing to do it sooner that is fine by me, I already have ideas for another 20 bear cards...

31st is good for me!

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