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Magic: the Gathering in the UK

As some of you are already aware we will be hosting one of the World Magic Cup Qualifiers on Saturday 14th April. The format is standard constructed and full information can be found at

Best wishes,

The Dark Sphere Team

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@Glen: its fine, I understand the reasons

the point is that the thoery of being able to play in a national tournament is an important incentive in a country like china which gets 2-3 ptqs a season (and many more players than the uk, most of whom genuinely cannot travel vast distances to play multiple ptqs a season).

the odds are that ppl will go to the many "nationals" this season, not have as much fun as they thought they would, and next year not grind so hard. I don't think if I was in England I would have just bought a deck from scratch (hopefully I would have had enough points without trying anything extra... :S), but I think that there is a lot of good will and good memories from previous national tournaments which wizards have yet to burn. Also, the concept of a Magic World Cup is pretty awesome :P

Not *trying* to be obtuse Phil, but all your posts on these "issues" recently have just been saying that WotC are terrible and evil, and everyone other than you that still plays Magic is an idiot. Which gets a little boring to read after a while.

@Peter my issues are they continue to increase costs while lowering prizes, it is now very difficult to break even in magic tourneys in general,  I think if they wanted to save on boosters (which appears obv) they needed to make limited edition promos of good cards that would be worth a lot, so without having to give out lots of boosters the winner of these tourneys still gets upwards of £60 worth of cards guarenteed 

@Glen Magic is fun I'm happy to spend quite a lot of money on it, as are other people. Why should it be easy to break even or profit? It is also possible to play the game very cheaply if you want to. With tournament attendance where it is there isn't any reason to give more prizes.

i'm a bit confused, do you think that the state of organised play in the context of UK magic is equal to or better than what it was 18 months ago? i do not believe this to be the case, and given that it is wotc who ultimately make the decisions which affect this i think it's pretty reasonable to consider their actions to be terrible from my perspective. not sure where i've said that i think magic players are idiots though so thanks for posting!

Dan Barrett said:

Not *trying* to be obtuse Phil, but all your posts on these "issues" recently have just been saying that WotC are terrible and evil, and everyone other than you that still plays Magic is an idiot. Which gets a little boring to read after a while.

Okay, you may not have said it directly, but you have certainly seemed to suggest it of those of us still invested in the tournament scene.

I'm not sure if I think things are definitely "worse" compared to 18 months ago, but they are "different", sure.

they are worse than 5 years ago!! 5 ptq seasons, nats and pro tours were a single format. Tog was still a deck and Extended was fun! Ahh memories. 

Emailing is actually a reasonable way to find things out quickly these days!

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We post the dates for WPN premium events on the community web site once the events are sanctioned and appear on We will be posting this information in the next few days.

The details of the World Magic Cup Qualifiers are -

Dark Sphere - London - on the 14th April 2012

Chimera - Nottingham - on the 3rd June 2012

Fanboy Three - Manchester - on the 30th June 2012

Please feel free to share this with your fellow players.

If you require any more information regarding the running of these events, please contact the relevant store. You can find the contact details for these stores at

Kind regards,

Joe Churcher
Game Support Representative - UK & Ireland
Wizards of the Coast - Hasbro UK
+44 84 57 125 599

@royde - my point was that if they did promo's properly they wouldn't have to give so many boosters as prizes (which they have done), not everyone has lots of disposable income like you (apparently you don't mind spending lots of cash, might help that you seem to be on a winning run right now).  My point was doing promo's costs Wizards very little but is also a good way to get people to play events (was just an idea)

My point is that they have increased the cost while giving out less prizes, although there new WCQ thing seems to have brought out a lot of players so the game is obv still very healthy.

I agree that they should use promos more. I do not really understand why they don't.
My winnings this year really aren't all that, no money for winning nats remember.

yeah I hear ya but I just can't justify spending maybe £50 a month with little chance of a return.

The promo thing is odd as they don't want to give away to many boosters as prizes so people need to buy product (not sure that especially works but probably works through the traders buying more, or something like that), it would cost very little to do alt art promo's (of cards that are played not commons) for the tourneys (they always seem to be worth some good dollar)

Daniel Royde said:

I agree that they should use promos more. I do not really understand why they don't.
My winnings this year really aren't all that, no money for winning nats remember.

Perhaps they could give them away to players who play in many events?

(Yea, removing of a lot of promos they used to print is DEFINITELY stupid)

Also, why haven't they made WoW-esque "loot" cards with scratch-off panels giving you MODO product/surprises yet?

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