Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK



10am for 11am start, looks like the event will be limited to ~32 players.


Anyone wanna get the fast train from St Pancras with me? Looks like it's under a tenner after railcard.


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Yes Paul Hodgson did! :)

Well done Paul.


How did you do Dan?



Think I need to play a deck that is less likely to draw mirrors!

Jason Savage said:

Well done Paul.


How did you do Dan?

Thanks Jason, refocussed the deck during the week and it seemed to pay off. Was paired up in the last round and my opponent scooped me in, which was nice after the down-pair last week. 


He was playing UB infect as well, it's definitely a deck, Phyrexian Crusader is a beating against most of the format. 

Jason Savage said:

Well done Paul.


How did you do Dan?

Paul what is your final list as I am trying to finalise the list I am mostly tinkering about with playing contagion clasp also trying to find a build without jace as I am not to sure I can borrow the required 4, get tezz is gonna be a massive pain as it is, will probably end up increasing the artifact package.


suggestions welcome

Use little Jaces, they're actually better in this deck apparently.

List was :


Land - 26

4 Darkslick Shore

4 Drowned Catacomb

4 Creeping Tar Pit

4 Inkmoth Nexus

4 Island

6 Swamp


Core - Creatures

4 Phyrexian Crusader

4 Necropede

2 Skithiryx the Magic Dragon


Core - Spells

4 Contagion Clasp

4 Tumble Magnet

4 Inquisition of Kozilek

4 Preordain


Optional Slots -

4 Mana Leak

2 Jace Beleren

1 Into the Roil

1 Sword of Feast and Famine


Sideboard -

2 Corrupted Conscience

2 Doom Blade

1 Go for the Throat

3 Duress

2 Disfigure

1 Deprive

2 Consume the Meek

2 Flashfreeze


I've broken it out into what I think the core of the deck has to be, you need a critical mass of infect guys and the magnet/clasp combo is indispensable in the format - so many 1 toughness guys are vulnerable to the front side, and the back side of clasp is just gravy.


Sideboard is a bit shaky, the consciences and blade/gftt are for battlecruiser matchups, duress for heavy PW builds, deprive is an extra hard counter against valakut, flashfreeze is great as well. The Consumes are a complete blowout against a lot of decks in the format as well, no one expected them especially when a bunch of man lands are attacking you. You can lose some of your own guys, and it's a pain to lose a crusader, however skittles and nexus are often enough to take the game down after resolving one.


The deck is a blast to play, and not sure how the format is going to adjust to combat it. I think the consumes are probably main-deckable, as they are pretty good against a non vatmother mirror and most of the format G1. Considered going with a Plague Myr/Tezzeret build, and the Jaces could just be Tezz, depends on how many big Jace you expect to face I think. An extra sword in the maindeck is an option as the boost to power is doubleplusgood on infect guys.


Have most of the deck available for anyone to borrow now (once my nexuses arrive, thanks for the lends Dan & Nate!) :D and ripped a foil Tezz in my prize packs to complete my playset.

Paul - May well take the deck from you then for next one then, once I've decided which one that is for me!

Sure thing, planning on going to TGC tomorrow so will make sure I have the event deck put back together and with me, as well as the rest. I can't go to FNM this week so if you aren't able to pop in tomorrow give me a shout and we can sort something out.

No big jace or tezzeret at all then? interesting...

Well, don't own Big Jace so was never in consideration ;) Little Jace is there to help blank theirs, if you're on the play and think they'll hit him T4 you can play yours T3 and get a card out of the equation. Otherwise your main way to deal is with tarpit, or hasty magic dragon.


Tezz is sometimes ridiculous, but really the main threat in the deck is Crusader. Nexus gets a point or two in, crusader holds off their attacks/cracks in for a few more and the clasps/magnets do the rest.


If you use plague myr you can get a T3 tezz & 5/5 myr, t4 5/5 nexus and aggro them out but this build is a bit more controlling. I'd swap in spot removal for preordain and some counters to go for the aggro route.


thanks thats extremely helpful, will defo be busting this out in London, if I can get them I will bust out the tezz in the deck as he has a lot of synergy already

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