Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Into Day 2:


Dan Royde 8-1

Jason Savage 8-1

Charlie Grover 7-2

Paul Young 7-2

Edit: Thom Richardson 7-2


Notable pros that will lose to them on Day 2 Olivier Ruel, Shuuhei Nakamura, Martin Juza and Chris Pikula.


Missed out on the bubble: Nathan Gotlib, Stuart Wright, Eugene.


Are Florian Koch or Florian Esser our Florian?  They both made Day 2 as well.


Keep it going guys!


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I went 7-2 to make day 2 :D


Eugene also lost on the bubble :(

Neither of them are our Florian, he is in Singapore at the moment!


Royde top 8


Thom R 12-3 (not sure yet)

Thom ended up 15th, so Q's for the PT!

Dan Royde into the semis!!!  Yes!


Excellent excellent excellent!!!!!!

Road trip to PT Philly may be in order!

Massive congrats Dan!



lost on the bubble in the last game when the win was on the table he hit the erruption for 4 when anything less wins me a dya 2 place, makes Glenn a sad panda
And you can't even blame my presence for that! :P

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
lost on the bubble in the last game when the win was on the table he hit the erruption for 4 when anything less wins me a dya 2 place, makes Glenn a sad panda
that was bloody funny, you must have been watching me draw lands for about 7 turns, walk off I draw 2 removal spells, you return and again more lands, you leave and I smash him.  wasn't expecting the judge to randomly have a good at you.  Sorry big man

Dan Barrett said:
And you can't even blame my presence for that! :P

Glenn Goldsworthy said:
lost on the bubble in the last game when the win was on the table he hit the erruption for 4 when anything less wins me a dya 2 place, makes Glenn a sad panda
To explain - Glenn told me to go away jokingly, a judge came over and made me leave the area.

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