Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Just wondering if Jason is gonna proxie these up. Should be good to start playing extended now. Perhaps if he doesnt read this someone could ask him Monday. I would really like to play the Yosei/Emeria/Mirren deck or the Martyr deck by Colney Woods.

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Jason - if you are going to proxie the decks up could you also do Tooth and Nail, Scapeshift combo and Wizards? They all did quite well at the PT
Just play the best deck in the format ffs.

Rubin Zoo or GTFO
Just testing a small number of decks is weak. Yes they will be played but you always come up against a veriety of decks at PTQ's. Plus Im not really interested in playing Zoo nomatter how good it is.
Fair enough. I'd say the testing pool needs to include AT LEAST:

Dark Depths
Zoo (Rubin, tribal, dark, bant, etc)
Rock (all variants including LoamCrime & Deathcloud)
Tooth & Nail
Scapeshift combo
Next Level Trinket

Yeah, it's a lot of proxies, but that there is the current Extended gauntlet we should seriously be testing.

Gary Lynch said:
Just testing a small number of decks is weak. Yes they will be played but you always come up against a veriety of decks at PTQ's. Plus Im not really interested in playing Zoo nomatter how good it is.
I don't think we need so many zoo variants. And so many decks that about 3 people played that had little impact?! Scapeshift combo?! If we're including that, we should also include zombie tribal and kamigawa-block theme decks into our testing as well.
Oh right.

I was under the impression we wanted to do proper testing rather than TESTING FOR FRIGGIN GIRLS.

Dan Barrett said:
I don't think we need so many zoo variants. And so many decks that about 3 people played that had little impact?! Scapeshift combo?! If we're including that, we should also include zombie tribal and kamigawa-block theme decks into our testing as well.
My point is - you can go to 3 ptqs, and still not play against some of these decks, as the %age they make up[ is so small. So designing your deck/sb for a matchup you are unlikely to face in a 7-round event is a flawed idea - fair enough if you want to play one of these decks, but as far as testing is concerned, we should concentrate on decks that actually make up[ some percentage of the meta.

Assuming Austin meta holds true, you are likely to play at least 1 Zoo, 1 Dredge, 1 NLB, maybe 1 Dark Depths, then 3/4 random other decks, which may include duplicates of the above. Preparing for the matches you will most often play seems the best idea.
Dan Barrett said:
We should also include zombie tribal and kamigawa-block theme decks into our testing....

It's about time!
When's the next Extended event in London/UK that's worth going to?
Hvae uou ever played an extended PTQ? BEcause I have. And Warren has. And you play the same decks over and over again, so usually 2 zoo 2 *best blue deck* 2 combo deck (scapeshift or dark depths or T&N) 1 dredge then whatever makes top 8, usually zoo x4 combo x2 control x 2.
And knowing what the tier 2 decks do means we can play them. Which is a bonus, bcos no one knows how to SB againt tier 2 decks, and PTQers in England for the most part really suck.

And ben, the next constructd PTQ season is extended.

Dan Barrett said:
My point is - you can go to 3 ptqs, and still not play against some of these decks, as the %age they make up[ is so small. So designing your deck/sb for a matchup you are unlikely to face in a 7-round event is a flawed idea - fair enough if you want to play one of these decks, but as far as testing is concerned, we should concentrate on decks that actually make up[ some percentage of the meta.

Assuming Austin meta holds true, you are likely to play at least 1 Zoo, 1 Dredge, 1 NLB, maybe 1 Dark Depths, then 3/4 random other decks, which may include duplicates of the above. Preparing for the matches you will most often play seems the best idea.
PTQs starting early next year

Ben Titmarsh said:
When's the next Extended event in London/UK that's worth going to?
Read this. The man knows what he's talking about.

Dan - it's not just about the sideboard - it's about knowing what to expect when some fucking noob sits down infront of you with his janked out 'combo' deck.

You can forget about making day 2 if you rock up at a PTQ having not even played against Tier 2 decks.

Just sayin'.

That Ginger One said:
Hvae uou ever played an extended PTQ? BEcause I have. And Warren has. And you play the same decks over and over again, so usually 2 zoo 2 *best blue deck* 2 combo deck (scapeshift or dark depths or T&N) 1 dredge then whatever makes top 8, usually zoo x4 combo x2 control x 2.
And knowing what the tier 2 decks do means we can play them. Which is a bonus, bcos no one knows how to SB againt tier 2 decks, and PTQers in England for the most part really suck. And ben, the next constructd PTQ season is extended. Dan Barrett said:
My point is - you can go to 3 ptqs, and still not play against some of these decks, as the %age they make up[ is so small. So designing your deck/sb for a matchup you are unlikely to face in a 7-round event is a flawed idea - fair enough if you want to play one of these decks, but as far as testing is concerned, we should concentrate on decks that actually make up[ some percentage of the meta.

Assuming Austin meta holds true, you are likely to play at least 1 Zoo, 1 Dredge, 1 NLB, maybe 1 Dark Depths, then 3/4 random other decks, which may include duplicates of the above. Preparing for the matches you will most often play seems the best idea.

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