Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

So what does everyone think of the current standard enviroment as it stands? What deck would you play in a tournament if cards/cost was no option?

Interesting article here

He goes into the win percentages of each deck and it does look like a pure meta game call. While U/W/r Planeswalkers was tearing it up it was still only 57% against Jund. Good but hardly a great result.

Wish I could see the decklist that won the Gravesend PTQ as it was Jund playing Persecutors main. Also the most recent Jund list in America was running a bunch of fetches and Plated Geopedes. Would love to see an article on that, obviously an answer to Wall of Omens and the cool part was the Sedraxis Specters and an Island in the sideboard. They Spreading Seas your land and you say thanks for the fixing and fly over thier Wall of Omens.

Anyone think there is another deck out there that could be well positioned now Jund will possibly be less played?

What do people predict of the meta game as we move forward?

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That's what I figured too, but this happened to me once in each event and both times I cast Emrakul,

Richard Plummer said:
Nope, never had any problems removing Percy - mostly my opponents do it for me before they let it smash them upside the head.

Also, i would pretty much always name OtV for a thought hemo against Sieve.
Hemmorage is bad times, but most players dont have any so its usually ok. Duress is a worry, but the only real answer is spell pierce, which kinda sucks. Its not that bad if you can stick a mine though, so i think you just gotta accept it..

The article on Geopede-Jund you wanted to see Gary

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