Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Just 3-0'ed a draft so feeling like an expert.

What are the 10 best first Common + Uncommon first picks in M11?

I'm pretty sure these are the best 7:

* Fireball
* Lightning Bolt
* Doom Blade
* Mind Control
* Crystal Ball
* Condemn
* Chandra's Outrage

Then 3 from these 7, I guess:

* Cudgel Troll
* Air Servant
* Armored Ascension
* Assassinate
* Serra Angel
* Corrupt
* Sleep

With honorable mention to these 8?

* Gravedigger
* Garruk's Companion
* Rise from the Grave
* Awakener Druid
* Garruk's Packleader
* Duskdale Wurm
* Juggernaut
* Whispersilk Cloak

What do you think?

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I would certainly take Air Servant over Condemn, Crystal Ball and probably Chandra's Outrage. I would also add Reassembling Skeleton to the list somewhere.
Where is Pacifism? It is better than condemn. So is Serra Angel.

I agree with Simon, Air Servant is first pick as well.
MY top ten would probably be something like this:

1. Fireball
2. Mind Control

These are still the premier uncommons. Either one can totally turn a game around. Fireball edges it over Mind Control because it can just win the game on the spot and has fantastic utility both early and late.

3. Air Servant
4. Cudgel Troll
5. Garruk's Packleader
6. Serra Angel

Creatures you absolutely must deal with. Air Servant rules the skies, stopping your opponents aerial offence whilst attacking unblocked. Cudgel Troll is near impossible to deal with and few creatures can survive combat with him. Garruk's Packleader just provides amazing card advantage over time as every creature you play becomes a cantrip. Serra Angel is still fantastic as almost nothing is big enough to kill it and it can play both attack and defence.

7. Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball is a better looter that goes in any colour and will win the game given enough time, though it can sometimes be too slow and doesn't actively contribute anything to the board.

8. Doom Blade
9. Condemn
10. Lightning Bolt

These are just quality removal spells. Doom Blade is still the best because it answers almost anything at a low cost and instant speed. Condemn is almost as good, but can't handle utility creatures that don't attack. Lightning Bolt is great for its cost and can go to the face, but it can't handle any of the big threats.
Foresee and Aether servant? I think they are better than most of the 2nd list, although so is packleader. My top 10 is like:

Mind control
Doom Blade
Aether adept

(i think red is so bad I would pick adept over bolt and outrage)
no love for Sleep and Jace's Ingenuity in this list? Otherwise I pretty much agree with what's been said.
This list from Darwin Kastle is a good place to start, though it's far from perfect (MC > Serra, obv)

M11 Power Rankings

1. Fireball
2. Serra Angel
3. Mind Control
4. Air Servant
5. Lightning Bolt
6. Cudgel Troll
7. Foresee
8. Doom Blade
9. Chandra’s Outrage
10. Aether Adept
11. Azure Drake
12. Pacifism
13. Blinding Mage
14. Assassinate
15. Water Servant
16. Garruk’s Packleader
17. Augury Owl
18. Jace’s Ingenuity
19. Prodigal Pyromancer
20. Acidic Slime
21. Cloud Elemental
22. Quag Sickness
23. Stormfront Pegasus
24. Garruk’s Companion
25. Howling Banshee
That list is rubbish....
Forgot about Pacifism which should be up there. And Blinding Mage who is not top 10 but pretty boss.
I prefer Condemn to Pacifism in M11. I feel Pacifism just has too many answers in M11 to make it better than more permanent removal. White, Blue and Green each have a creature that can destroy a pacifism for value, along with at least one spell that can remove it. Even Red has an answer of sorts as it can just Fling the enchanted creature. I'm not saying Pacifism isn't very good, but I think Condemn is just more reliable in this format.
I just realised the best card is still unmentioned!

Squadron Hawk!
lol - it would have been awesome if white weenie had taken down nats

sokeeffe said:
I just realised the best card is still unmentioned!

Squadron Hawk!
I had a quite-good Mono W deck with three Squadron Hawks in it the other day. And two of the +2/+1 to your team pump spells (which I also got last pick last night which seems wrong even though it is quite expensive).

I wonder how early one can "go hawk". I guess if you pick Hawks over removal or other actually good cards your deck gets worse not better, even if you end up with eight of them? So it can only happen by luck where you take them over Silvercoat Lions and sideboard cards. I did like having three of them, though. Would have loved the fourth or more.

sokeeffe said:
I just realised the best card is still unmentioned!

Squadron Hawk!

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