Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

*URGENT* Constructed League Season Three - Post-Zendikar Standard

Demonic Tutor Constructed Leagues do not take place at set times. Instead they are played whenever two players from the league can get together. They are slightly formalized versions of casual games with a bit more at stake (Boosters! Honor! Glory! Your name in lights!)

Here are the rules for Season Three which will be in the Standard (post-Zendikar) format ...

- Decklists will be secret until the end of the league. This is a change to previous leagues. We're going to try it out this way and see if we like it better or not. Remember what your opponents played so you can check up on them at the end! :)
- Decklists must be sent to with the subject line "Constructed League Decklist" before the end of Sunday 4th October 2009. Please do include that exact subject line so that my email software can ensure that the decklist remains secret even from me.
- All normal rules apply about deck sizes, etc.
- Matches are untimed.
- You may play any other player in the league at any time.
- You may only play any given player in the league once.
- Match results must be reported to
- Matches up to and including Friday 6th November count for points. The league will then end and a winner will be declared.
- Matches may be played on MTGO or MWS if both participants agree.
- Any number of proxies are allowed. They must be full-size versions of the cards not simply names or altered basic lands. They can be color or black and white. (If you don't have access to a printer and need some proxies let me know.)
- 3 points will be awarded for a win.
- In the event of a tie on points the player who has played more matches will appear higher in the standings, to encourage maximum participation. After that the split will be on "games won" (not goal difference).
- Entry fee is a single booster pack or three pounds. Entry will be refunded for those players that do not play any matches. Prizes will be given out as follows:
- 1st place: Half of all booster entry fees, rounded up.
- 2nd place: Two thirds of the remaining boosters, rounded down.
- 3rd place: All remaining boosters.
- Wizards Play Network promos will be awarded for 1 "WPN point" where each match played gains 0.1 points and each match won gains 0.1 points for a maximum of 0.2 per match.

Example prizes:

With 4 entrants -
1st ... 2 boosters
2nd ... 1 booster
3rd ... 1 booster

With 10 entrants -
1st ... 5 boosters
2nd ... 3 boosters
3rd ... 2 boosters

With 23 entrants -
1st ... 12 boosters
2nd ... 7 boosters
3rd ... 4 boosters

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when can we start playing?
You can start playing as soon as you have registered although if you play before Monday 5th October I guess you risk giving away metagame info to those that have not submitted lists. I'll update the main page as people register.
This should be the most interesting one we've done so far. Looking forward to seeing what people come up with.
lookout beatdown. in your face.
are there any specific rules for the limper?
As the crusher beats the limper, using it is probably more of a metagame call.

ross miles said:
are there any specific rules for the limper?
Two entries so far. People are obviously honing designs to the last minute for this one ...
Or just cba to submit till last minute/ cant decide between a billion different 75's (me)

Thomas David Baker said:
Two entries so far. People are obviously honing designs to the last minute for this one ...
Sometimes too much choice is a bad thing :)

I'll do it for you:

Cudgel ConTroll

4 River Boa
4 Cudgel Troll
4 Day of Judgment
4 Scourglass
4 Planar Cleansing
4 Martial Coup

18 Forest
18 Plains

8 Forest
7 Plains
Thomas David Baker said:
Sometimes too much choice is a bad thing :)

I'll do it for you:

Cudgel ConTroll

4 River Boa
4 Cudgel Troll
4 Day of Judgment
4 Scourglass
4 Planar Cleansing
4 Martial Coup

18 Forest
18 Plains

8 Forest
7 Plains

I like it. Any sideboarding strategys?? :)

Cant enter my deck yet as I havent figured it out. Should have it done soon.
Gary Lynch said:
I like it. Any sideboarding strategys?? :)

Forests in against aggro, Plains in against control. Obv.
Wouldn't your deck would be more powerful with an Island in the sideboard?

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