Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Im almost not going to play on Saturday as I cant seem to come up with a deck that actualy beats Jund.

Not Happy :(

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"The deck consistenly beats jund , as long as I get a gain life card in the first few turns, its usually over for them, ill race, and ill win because im preventing most of what they can do, while normally curving out."

(Why do I feel like there's a miniature Rob on my shoulder saying, "don't get deck advice from internet forums"?)
Pyromancer Ascension!
Im considering some sort of fog deck. Not really sure its quickenough. Plus if they hit you with thought hemorage post board you prob loose.
TurboFogMill is where it's at
Mono-W with 4 Sunspring Expedition, 4 Landbind Ritual?
the turbo fog deck is fairly close to what I'm playing but I have paths main and also forgot that howling mine was even in (in my defense I asked 4 different people for other card ideas and not one mentioned it) am also only running 4 main deck fogs, occassionly would be nice to draw them also playing ponder probably instead of the mines.
Have won all my 1st games but I knew my sideboard wasn't very good curse me forgetting pithing needle!!!!
PV says: "Right now, what I would do is change my decks to become a little better versus Jund, such as sideboarding a lot of Celestial Purges, perhaps even maindecking one or two, since even the control decks seem to be packing BR Planeswalkers. I would not suddenly remove all the Baneslayer answers from my decks, for example, because it not being there was probably a fluke, like the five Jund decks in the Top 8. If I had to play a Standard tournament tomorrow, I’m not sure what I would run, but it would not be Jund or a Red based aggro deck. It would be either Vampires or some kind of control deck with Cruel Ultimatum."
i've heard jessian lookout is a very good card
I can give you all my turbofog league list if you want. Its basically Jobin's list given that I was one of the players that gave him the list, except I prefer wraths over needles+ a better sb.
I am playing the wraths main and they really haven't been great you just lose to that stupid turn 2 enchantment that makes angels, I have lost 3 games to that now alone.
Might I add that spell pierce is rather a good sideboard card, counters that enchantment and plainswalkers

That Ginger One said:
I can give you all my turbofog league list if you want. Its basically Jobin's list given that I was one of the players that gave him the list, except I prefer wraths over needles+ a better sb.
Long live Jund.

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