Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Due to the global changes made to the Wizards Play Network (WPN) introduced by Wizards of the Coast in September of last year we regret to have  to annouce that The Games Club will not be participating in the New Set Celebrations for the impending Magic 2012 Core Set.

WTF.  So bad.


Is there some alternative for wannabe prereleasers?


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Is there more explanation than this? As the changes were made in september, why has it taken this long to stop running events? What has happened in the last few months to say Jason cant run any sort of pre release?


I guess the only sensible option is for you guys to move to a country where there are magic shops :)

just to say.... this is a disgrace... Jason must be pissed.... he is loyal to wizards for all this time... and this is how they treat him?

if you need another petitioner... I will be back in 3 1/2 weeks

re: petition - I need to find out the full truth before we go looking silly by petitioning, but if and when I find out it might be worthwhile, we'll see what we can sort out. 


I dunno about the rest of you, but considering all Jason has done for us over the years, I am not intending to just "make do" and go to one Richmond/Dark Sphere for an infinitely worse experience.

If it is the case that Wizard's rules prevent Jason running a prerelease then I think it's reasonable for us all to sign a letter to Wizards UK and Wizards US letting them know they have messed up the 4 best events of the year for London-based Magic players, at the very least.

It can't hurt.


As far as the shop goes, Jason is intending to open up "The Games Store" on Charing Cross road later in the year, hopefully we'll get our prereleases back then!

i was really looking forward to this aswell, especially as i missed out on attending the NPH prerelease. my thoughts are the same as everyone else, the best thing we can do is wait and play sealed on a mon, tues or friday night in two weeks time.
Ben, I thought the shop was a not going ahead now, too many problems!

Ben Titmarsh said:

As far as the shop goes, Jason is intending to open up "The Games Store" on Charing Cross road later in the year, hopefully we'll get our prereleases back then!

Initially in MK we were given regional status so that we could carry on running pre-releases without having to link up with a shop.  This lasted for precisely one event (Besieged) and we were then told that we had to link up with a shop, there could be no exceptions, which we managed to get done just in time for New Phyrexia.  I guess the Games Club falls under the 'no exceptions' bit.

Not being in London on weeknights right now, weekend events like these are all the Magic I can play at the moment. Can't believe there's no prerelease now! Without weekend events, people in my position will have to wait forever to play with the new cards! Surely some sort of "alternative prerelease" is in order?
So what are you all planning on doing? Looks like I'll just end up skipping it... :(

Kieran Symington said:
Not being in London on weeknights right now, weekend events like these are all the Magic I can play at the moment. Can't believe there's no prerelease now! Without weekend events, people in my position will have to wait forever to play with the new cards! Surely some sort of "alternative prerelease" is in order?
I'd probably only be able to do something on the Sunday, but up for cube/commander/ascension/dominion somewhere?

What would be the best substitute?


Trying to have a big room full of magic on the same day as the pre release but without new cards.


Having a Postrelease a week later instead?

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