Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Are there any relevant decks that I've missed?

U/W Lark
Mono Red/Red-Black
Kithkin/Token Decks
Sanity Grinding
Mono Black
Elementals w/Lark
Combo Elves

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Harms Way will not be good enough!

RDW and RG will win games.
ill stop being a pussy if you make your eyes go all small :)

stevie_b said:
its all about the kithwinz

on an unrelated note stanj can u stop being a pussy and sign up for the dci tracker - just wanna see how many points i am ahead of u - double smily face with extra wink

btw guess who's bottom of the composite, total and limited ranking?
RG is actually good. Jason is right :/
So, what do i sideboard in to make sure i win all the time then? :D

That Ginger One said:
RG is actually good. Jason is right :/
bft? :)

Dan Barrett said:
So, what do i sideboard in to make sure i win all the time then? :D

That Ginger One said:
RG is actually good. Jason is right :/

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