Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK



10am for 11am start, looks like the event will be limited to ~32 players.


Anyone wanna get the fast train from St Pancras with me? Looks like it's under a tenner after railcard.


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WOW. Having just clicked the link in my reply, it looks like you didnt read properly. Not sure what I have done to upset you so much.


Also would like to point out that in general im not rude to people unless they are rude or make dickish comments first.


Guess I wont ask you to borrow any cards then.


Jason Savage said:

Gary you can be such a wanker sometimes.


Do you know how to read properly? Read my reply to Dan's posting, then look at the deck he links, not the link you quote for some reason.


When you grow up and stop being rude to people you will be amazed how nice can be to you and even maybe they will lend you cards!



So yeah - did some brewing for Standard.


U/W baneslayer control FTW it looks like!



When I first read it I thought you were having a pop at me, so sorry my mistake!


You can ask to borrow cards, but I never lend cards as I do not own any!


Thats cool,  I can see how as my post came after yours that mistake could be made.

I dont have any cards either :)

How do you always have decks then? Mike lend them to you?


Jason Savage said:



When I first read it I thought you were having a pop at me, so sorry my mistake!


You can ask to borrow cards, but I never lend cards as I do not own any!


I can borrow cards from Mike.
Show off! :P

Jason Savage said:
I can borrow cards from Mike.
Not really!

Dan Barrett said:
Show off! :P

Jason Savage said:
I can borrow cards from Mike.
I can borrow cards from Nathan (FOIL JACE'SSSSSS!!!!!)

for a little elaboration on my previous comment: i think type 2 is the least fun its ever been. ever. i think nationals would be a pretty good time but in order to qualify i have to play this standard format, which i have no inclination to do. even if someone gave me some super-secret list that i was guaranteed to 6-0 a qualifier with, i'd honestly rather stay home because the thought of spending an entire day watching people cast Jaces and Primeval Titans [hint: if you think that casting vengevines or goblin guides is a legitimate strategy then you are deluded] just does not sound remotely appealing.

How do you not enjoy casting Jace? It's a blue card?!


Seriously, in every format there are some dominant strategies and cards (which are therefore expensive). The details may change, but this will always be true.

To be honest, it seems like there are a lot of rares that have taken a hammering in price due to mythics. Rare lands are pretty cheap at the moment.


Also was able to pick up 4 baneslayer angels for under £30. Things aren't as bad as they seem.


But yeah £77 for Jace is far too much for a standard card.   

funny, i seem to think otherwise. Even if we only go as far back as invasion... what decks could we have built for under £150 at the time? Fires? Wake? Tog? Madness? Slide? Goblins? Affinity? Tooth and Nail?


paying as much as a whole deck used to cost just for your planeswalkers sure is fun. you can't say that modern standard is no different than it has ever been because that's just categorically untrue

Dan Barrett said:

How do you not enjoy casting Jace? It's a blue card?!


Seriously, in every format there are some dominant strategies and cards (which are therefore expensive). The details may change, but this will always be true.

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