Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

I was looking at what sets it was possible to get cheap(er) boxes of. Those guys that come to the big events now along with Mike do TSP block at 60-65 per box. I heard good things about Time Spiral block draft and there's a bunch of chase-ish rares and Extended playables. Should I get a box of each set for some fun drafts, or is it not all that?

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Rob and Gary and Dan say yes.
I'm in.
it was really good fun when it was the draft format so count me in!
Never really drafted this format, but I'd definately give it a go.
I also say yes
Now I have to remember the name of their website ...

Edit: it's firestormcards
and me. god yes...
I read the title but not the thread, guess my answer
Timespiral Block is the best. The best way to draft it is 2HG- actually the most skill intensive format ever!
Is there some way I can express how angry this reply makes me...

Daniel Royde said:
Timespiral Block is the best. The best way to draft it is 2HG- actually the most skill intensive format ever!
How about a little angrydance? I think that would be best.
Forum suggestion - anyone that mentions wanting to play 2HG is banned?

That being said, i'd love to see the Brown/Bern tag-team in action...

Gary Lynch said:
Is there some way I can express how angry this reply makes me...

Daniel Royde said:
Timespiral Block is the best. The best way to draft it is 2HG- actually the most skill intensive format ever!

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