Demonic Tutor

Magic: the Gathering in the UK

Due to the global changes made to the Wizards Play Network (WPN) introduced by Wizards of the Coast in September of last year we regret to have  to annouce that The Games Club will not be participating in the New Set Celebrations for the impending Magic 2012 Core Set.

WTF.  So bad.


Is there some alternative for wannabe prereleasers?


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Dan - Rik Powell is your best bet, I've already sent him an email myself.



I must that was well said.

Jason (The other one)

Stelios Kargotis said:

Hey Everyone,


Personally speaking Jason, London and The Games Club have always had a special place in my heart.  If it were not for Jason's Pre-Releases, National Qualifiers, GPT's, PTQ's, Iron Mans and Keith Lovies I and many other Judges would not have had the opportunities to develop the skills necessary in providing professional and hopefully fun events to you, the players.  Jason took the time to work with the UK Judge Community extensively and produce some of the finest Judges, he is owed a debt of gratitude, in my honest opinion.  At his tournaments young Judges would be able to gain a footing into the tournament community and be exposed to the rigorous and the experience a large tournament brings (and also learn to push in chairs and maintain their area).


Therefore I am deeply unhappy about the lack of pre-release for the Games Club, some of you might know that I was the HJ for the Phyrexia Pre-Release and I felt the difference between the extraveganza that Jason usually hosted and the debacle seen during the day where we had to turn away close to 60 players who were keen as mustard to get playing.  This cannot be healthy for the game or the player base.  So to that effect I will not be partaking in any pre-release either as a player or a judge as I feel that Jason has been treated unfairly.   While I dont condemn anyone visiting another venue to get their pre-release fix I would ask all of you to take a moment to remember all of the awesome times they had at Jasons events and to get behind a man who has spent the best part of his life promoting the game in his own special way.


That is all I have to add everyone and thank you for your time.


Serving Magic Players of the UK since 2008,

Stelios Christos Kargotis

Magic Judge Level 2 for the South East Region UK.

Well put Stelios, Jason has been at the heart of the London magic scene for as long as I can remember, and my first TGC event was nearly 10 years ago! If Wizards don't feel that they should support TOs who have been supporting them for as long as Jason has then I don't know how they expect to maintain a community in London in the years to come.


I won't be pre-releasing this weekend, BBQ and beers on the Southbank is going to have to suffice (if anyone else fancies coming along let me know!).

I'm not pre-releasing this weekend either.  I literally wouldn't even be a magic player if it wasn't for Jason & TGC.  Its pretty hard to get excited about going to a small shop event when you have experience the awesomeness of the massive ones we used to have.  That festival atmosphere of the whole community coming together is going to me sorely missed. 


I got the new ascension in the post yesterday, anyone fancy a few games down the pub on sat?

I do remember from 10-15 years ago that pre releases were huge and that each area got 1 pre-release event at a central location and you pretty much had to travel to them if you wanted to play and then compete against 80+ players. I think it was the Wyndeyer [sp] Cafe or a Student Bar that these used to take place in in London.  Those were awesome times.


I would rather see that sort of event with large turnouts that bonds the community than 60 trillion 12 player shop events but I don't think WotC have that as their 'model' anymore as they want to support local retailers which isn't a bad thing at all until it impacts upon a cornerstone of the magic community such as TGC.


I hope the situation gets resolved as I mentioned before. I would also give props to Stelios for putting the playerbase first once again.



+1 from me. Not heading to a prerelease this weekend in protest at this ridiculous decision. I know times are hard at the moment but what has wizards done to promote magic in the uk recently? All they seem to be doing is cutting events and player rewards...
Well said.

Stelios Kargotis said:

Hey Everyone,


Personally speaking Jason, London and The Games Club have always had a special place in my heart.  If it were not for Jason's Pre-Releases, National Qualifiers, GPT's, PTQ's, Iron Mans and Keith Lovies I and many other Judges would not have had the opportunities to develop the skills necessary in providing professional and hopefully fun events to you, the players.  Jason took the time to work with the UK Judge Community extensively and produce some of the finest Judges, he is owed a debt of gratitude, in my honest opinion.  At his tournaments young Judges would be able to gain a footing into the tournament community and be exposed to the rigorous and the experience a large tournament brings (and also learn to push in chairs and maintain their area).


Therefore I am deeply unhappy about the lack of pre-release for the Games Club, some of you might know that I was the HJ for the Phyrexia Pre-Release and I felt the difference between the extraveganza that Jason usually hosted and the debacle seen during the day where we had to turn away close to 60 players who were keen as mustard to get playing.  This cannot be healthy for the game or the player base.  So to that effect I will not be partaking in any pre-release either as a player or a judge as I feel that Jason has been treated unfairly.   While I dont condemn anyone visiting another venue to get their pre-release fix I would ask all of you to take a moment to remember all of the awesome times they had at Jasons events and to get behind a man who has spent the best part of his life promoting the game in his own special way.


That is all I have to add everyone and thank you for your time.


Serving Magic Players of the UK since 2008,

Stelios Christos Kargotis

Magic Judge Level 2 for the South East Region UK.

Any idea on attendance at various events?


Any traitors ;) care to report on their experiences?


Gravesend was awesome as per usual, well run with a good friendly atmosphere, I think there were 30 odd players. Richard Plumber won the event. Great day out.

Dan Barrett said:

Any idea on attendance at various events?


Any traitors ;) care to report on their experiences?


Nick managed a colchester high of 36, sealed m12 is shockingly bad, draft is actually rather good

Heroes and Legends in Tolworth had a good turn out, over 50 people rocked up and took part.  


In addition to the usual suspects there were at least 25 new faces there which is awesome, the winner walked away with a healthy stash of new boosters and everyone who turned up went away with a free booster pack!



I hope all the TCG regulars will be showing up at Games Club Friday when the set is officially released to take part in a sealed event as a show of support for Jason?

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